Fiche cheval lady chartouche

R3C2platcourse a conditions 21923fairview1200M3854maiden plate (f & m)10 partantsdépart à 10:10
Non-partants : 8 - 9
11mari marieF44p2p2p0pl mxothwa2.8/101:19
26mediteraneangoddesF52p4p4p8pm yeni5.6/11 l
33principessa miaF43p5p2pr fourie3.6/12 l
44hundredfifthavenueF43p5p8p4p6pm v'rensburg8.3/11 l 1/2
52lady chartoucheF40p6p(22)5p3pk minnie30/13/4 l
77magentaF64p2p0p6p7pj gates14/13/4 l
85fly betterF53p0p4p8p7ps khumalo10/11/2 l
8dumisaniF46pnon partant/1
9almost in seattleF37p6p6pd schwarz19/1
610quirk of fateF33p6pm thackeray20/12 l 1/2

R3C1platcourse a conditions 38399fairview1000M3769welcome to nelson mandela bay racing maiden juvenile plate9 partantsdépart à 09:30
17my miaF33p7p9p0p2py ramzan10/101:00
28spring feverF35p7p6p7p4pk strydom21/13/4 l
34lady chartoucheF3Inéditeg cheyne3.2/11 l
49texas tornadoF39pr fourie52/13 l 1/2
51absolute pleasureF32p5pa domeyer1.9/11 l 1/4
66lovin' you babyF3Inéditew agrella20/15 l
72double dutyF3Inéditem h zuma32/11/4 l
83karoo magicF3Inéditer munger30/11 l 1/4
95likeableF35p2p8p5p5pe webber13/1cte tete

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